
miercuri, 8 august 2012

Make money with Paid For Jobs

Paid For Jobs is a site where you can make money by doing simple tasks:

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If you do visit 10 ads and 20 grid ads and read 1 email / day, you get 0.05 $ as BONUS.

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marți, 7 februarie 2012

Strong Dollar adds Benefits to European Car Leasing - Drive Travel


We hope you have great memories of the new tax free car you previously leased in Europe?

As the Australian $ is now at an all time high against the Euro, and we now have some fantastic 2012 'Earlybird Specials', we thought you may be interested in a current price.

Please see current car Leasing 2012 Earlybird Offer by clicking here:  (1.87mb PDF)

You can create an instant quote online at for both Renault and Citroen. For Peugeot, due to their variable pricing policy, please contact us and we will be happy to do it for you. Please call us on 1300 883 588 or e-mail:

We look forward to hearing from you again and we hope you will tell your friends about us.

Kind regards,

Annabelle, Celeste & Tony

PS. We also offer regular car hire, canalboat & motorhome rentals worldwide plus accommodation, travel insurance, sightseeing etc.



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